Certainly more brutal and direct than Calvin and Hobbes' take on the same metaphor, I believe this is a very, very clever comment on last week's tragic events. To be used in debating the free speech / religion issue with teenagers (and grown ups). Art and story by Julien Neel.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Monday, November 10, 2014
"Siegfried" concert in Lyon
A very moving weekend, as my "Siegfried" was shown in a great live performance by the Lyon National Orchestra. Wagner's music was conducted by Andris Poga from an arrangement by Hank de Vlieger. Image editing by Vincent Goujon.
Friday, September 26, 2014
"LE CHÂTEAU DES ÉTOILES" in stores this week! (french edition)
In "le Château des étoiles" ("Castle in the Stars"), the space race begins 100 years early!
The year is 1868. Aeronaut Claire Dulac disappears in a daring high-altitude ballon flight. A year later her husband, engineer Archibald Dulac, and her son Séraphin receive an anonymous letter : someone has recovered Claire's flight log, and promises stunning revelations… The pair travel to Bavaria where they discover that a secret space program has started in king Ludwig's own castle. His goal: to send men into space before 1870!
More pictures and updates (in french) on facebook.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
The third episode (and season finale) of "Castle in the Stars" (Le Château des étoiles") comes out in France on july 9th!
Libellés :
Castle in the Stars,
graphic novel,
le Château des étoiles,
Rue de Sèvres,
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
The new installment in the Castle in the Stars ("le Château des étoiles") series hits the stores today! (French edition)

Libellés :
Castle in the Stars,
graphic novel,
le Château des étoiles,
Rue de Sèvres,
Special Editions,
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
"CASTLE IN THE STARS" in stores today ! (french edition)
This is the gazette edition, a 3-part series in a very large format (30x40 cm). The next issue comes out in june !
Monday, May 5, 2014
A short step-by step of the cover to my next book, "le Château des étoiles"... The technique is watercolor on Crescent watercolor board (hot pressed).
Libellés :
Castle in the Stars,
graphic novel,
le Château des étoiles,
Rue de Sèvres,
Saturday, April 19, 2014
My next book will be published in France as a 3-part newspaper series (24 pages - 30x40 cm). It's a thrill seeing the printed pages at this size, so close to the original art format. Newspaper #1 comes out in bookstores on May 14th.
Libellés :
graphic novel,
le Château des étoiles,
Rue de Sèvres,
Monday, March 24, 2014
Spacesuit from the Golden Age of the
Ether (1870-1875), custom made in France for the king of Bavaria's pioneering ethercraft
“Schwanstern”. See "Le Château des étoiles" ("Castle in the Stars") for an accurate account of the era's remarkable discoveries in outer space.
(Design by Alex Alice, made in wood, brass and leather by Ateliers Vertugadins)
Libellés :
Castle in the Stars,
graphic novel,
le Château des étoiles,
Rue de Sèvres
Monday, February 3, 2014
Announcing "Le Château des étoiles" ("Castle in the Stars")
On the occasion of last week's Angoulême festival, publisher Rue de Sèvres announced my next project, "Castle in the Stars". At the booth were a few goodies and surprises…
Join the project's FB page (in french) for more news and updates !
Join the project's FB page (in french) for more news and updates !
Libellés :
Castle in the Stars,
graphic novel,
le Château des étoiles,
Rue de Sèvres
Friday, January 24, 2014
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Pour les friands d'avant-premières, les premières pages du nouveau "Troisième testament : Julius" sont visibles ici (mais on n'en profitera mieux dans une semaine, calé avec l'album dans un bon fauteuil).
… Et demain en noir et blanc au vernissage de l'expo à la galerie Glénat.
… Et demain en noir et blanc au vernissage de l'expo à la galerie Glénat.
Monday, October 28, 2013
"LE TROISIEME TESTAMENT : JULIUS" ON SHOW - also, join me on this new "facebook" thing the kids seem to be crazy about.
Les superbes originaux de Thimothée Montaigne pour "Le Troisième testament : Julius III" seront exposés à Paris en avant-première de la sortie de l'album. Vernissage le 6 Novembre à la nouvelle galerie Glénat !
Join me on facebook for more regular updates.
Art below by Thimothée Montaigne.
Join me on facebook for more regular updates.
Art below by Thimothée Montaigne.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Here is my cover for the upcoming "Troisième testament" graphic novel, again with great interior art by Thimothée Montaigne and colors by François Lapierre. Readers of the series will recognize familiar faces (or rather masks) that will be coming back - big time - in this new installment. Coming this fall!
Libellés :
graphic novel,
Le troisième testament,
Oil paintings
Thursday, March 28, 2013
SVA Masterclass & Columbia Talk
I'll be giving a masterclass at New York's School of Visual Arts tomorrow at 6h30 PM. My plan is to give an overview of my process for creating a graphic novel visually, from thumbnails to the finished pages and covers. I'll be happy to take questions and concentrate on whatever aspect appeals more to the students.
Next up is a talk with the talented Ron Wimberly at Comlumbia University on April the 15th.
A lot of work on my plate right now as I'm developing a big new thing - more news on the way!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thim, Xavier and I will be giving a talk and signing books a the Bercy Fnac in Paris this thursday nov. 8th at 6.30 PM. Details here!
For extras and interviews, upcoming events and signings by Thimothée Montaigne you can visit Glénat's Julius blog.
For extras and interviews, upcoming events and signings by Thimothée Montaigne you can visit Glénat's Julius blog.
Libellés :
graphic novel,
Le troisième testament,
Oil paintings
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
LE TROISIÈME TESTAMENT coming November 7th
Here comes the sequel to 2010's "Le troisième testament : Julius" with interior art by new artist Thimothée Montaigne. This book takes our characters on a quest for the fabled "Third Testament"- a journey that will put more than their faith to the test, as the roman grasp on Palestine tightens and the end times seem closer than ever...
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Siegfried wins Gold
I'm very glad to report that the Siegfried III cover has received the Spectrum Gold Award in comics, presented by the great Mike Mignola at the Spectrum Live event. (thank you Mathieu for teaching me this technique, thank you Zelda for the photo!)
Monday, May 7, 2012
I'm glad to announce the upcoming release of the Siegfried graphic novel series in the U.S. by Archaia! Book 1 comes out this June. Here is the english language trailer.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Spectrum nomination
I just got news that the cover to Siegfried III has been nominated for the Spectrum awards. The Spectrum books are an annual compendium of the year's fantastic art in every field from book covers to advertisement to concept design. Each year the jury picks two favorites in a category for Gold and Silver awards. The Siegfried III cover is one of five nominees for Comics. I've been following the Spectrum books for years and they include a lot of my favorite artists, so this is a special honor. My painting Jörmungand was included in Spectrum 16, the Julius special cover in Spectrum 18. Spectrum 19 comes out this fall.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Nous avons toujours des virtuoses du dessin. Nous avons des toujours des auteurs infiniment libres.
Nous n’avons plus Mœbius.
J’ai fini par réaliser pourquoi sa perte m’a tant affecté, moi qui le connaissais à peine. Comme beaucoup, en tant qu’artiste, je voulais la vie de Mœbius. Il n’était pas mon dieu, pas mon père spirituel, encore moins mon démon. Il était ce que j’aspirais à devenir, mon Achille, mon héros.
Pas le seul, c’est vrai. Mais celui auquel je me référais le plus souvent. Celui dont le nom revenait à la fin des débats avec mes amis dessinateurs, quand telle ou telle difficulté du métier semblait infranchissable – « Giraud, lui, y arrive » - et tout le monde reprenait espoir.
Pourrons-nous conjuguer maîtrise du dessin et liberté graphique et narrative ?
« Giraud, lui, y arrive.»
Peut-on pratiquer plusieurs styles avec autant de bonheur ?
« Giraud, lui, y arrive.»
Pouvons-nous, sans vendre son âme, participer au grand cinéma de notre temps ?
« Giraud, lui, y arrive.»
Pourrons-nous sans cesse nous renouveler, et renouveler notre intérêt pour ce métier après des décennies passées à la table à dessin ?
« Giraud, lui, y arrive.»
Giraud y est arrivé. Il est notre espoir, notre lumière.
Notre auteur-héros.
Et ce que des décennies de dramaturgie formatée par des crétins au cinéma et à la télévision oublient de nous dire, c’est que, comme dans les tragédies et les poèmes épiques, les héros meurent à la fin.
Ces jours sont tristes, mais ils vont passer.
Au travail, maintenant.
Alex Alice
Thursday, February 2, 2012
"Le Troisième testament" returns (oh, and Happy New Year!)
The turn of the new year has been rather busy with Siegfried signings, Angoulême, and completing work on my next book : "Le Troisième testament : JVLIVS II". This one is drawn by Thimotée Montaigne, who's doing a fantastic job on the characters and the many environements of this sequel to 2010's Robin Recht-drawn JVLIVS. More on this very soon, in the meantime here are a few of my color keys as an apetizer.
Libellés :
graphic novel,
Le troisième testament,
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Exhibition Opening
Libellés :
graphic novel,
Oil paintings,
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Le Crépuscule des dieux hits the stores in France today. I'll be signing the books at BDnet Charonne in Paris, and this week-end in the Utopiales festival in Nantes. See you on the road!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
SIEGFRIED In stores this thursday
I'm especialy proud to announce the Special Edition with 80+ pages of extras including an interview by Laurent Kloetzer and Eric Chauveau as well as art by Denis Bajram, Juanjo Guarnido, Kurt Huggins, Jean-Paul Krassinsky, Keraskoët, Matthieu lauffray, Thimothée Montaigne, Patrick Pion, Christian Rossi, Alec Severin and Zébé!
Thank you guys, it's a great way for me to end the saga.
See you all at the exhibition next week!
Please visit Dargaud's website for updates on signings and events...
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