Monday, September 13, 2010


To all who take the time to write, thank you for your interest!
Here is a FAQ list to cover the most common subjects.

-         Where can I get your books in English ?
Siegfried should be published in English when book 3 comes out.
Le troisième testament is available in 15 languages, sadly English is currently not one of them. Go figure!

-         When is Siegfried 3 coming out ?
Some time next year. The book is 80 pages long and I hope it will be as epic in the reading as it is in the making! It is called Twilight Of The Gods and it is, of course, the end of the story.

-         When is the Siegfried movie coming out ?
The film has been developed but actual production will not start before I finish the graphic novel series – hopefully next year, then.

-         Do you do commission drawings ?
Not for the moment, I want to spend as much time as I can telling my stories.

-         Can you sign my book if I send it to you ?
No, but I’d be glad to draw a little something for you during a signing session.

Do you do signing sessions?
Yes, when a book comes out. My publishers handle the dates.

-         Pourquoi ce blog est-il en anglais ?
Je vis en ce moment aux Etats-Unis, ce blog est consulté par des non-francophones, et une version bilingue me prendrait trop de temps. Je préfère donc assassiner Sheakspeare et épargner Racine pour l’instant.